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Deals on Cell Phone Access Fees

Maybe I've been living under a rock and you all know about these deals, but if you don't, I'll share:

My husband and I have cell phones as do I'm sure most of you.  We are Verizon people (no, this is not a debate over which is better, Droid or iPhone).  I just learned last week that because we are ASU graduates, we can get 10% off our monthly access fees with Verizon.  Though technically I don't think it would take both of us to be ASU graduates to get the deal on our family plan.  (Go here for info).  Then I started hearing about deals for employees of certain companies.  So I guess my point is, check with your cell phone carrier, your employer, your alma mater to see if there is a discount waiting for you.  Doesn't hurt to try.  (And if all of you out there already do this, why did no one tell me?  Talk about the extra thrift store money that could have been.)

And this picture has nothing to do with cell phones.  It was taken at a time when not even Zack from Saved By the Bell had a cell phone.  This is my great uncle plowing the field by where I grew up.  Fields that my great grandparents once farmed and later left to their children, so their children and their children's children could roam and make memories.  Now my children make memories on this land too.  I'm thankful for my Mesa heritage.  (and cell phone discounts)


Karen said...

I just found this out also! We just switched to Sprint and it turns out we could have gotten a discount through the husband's company or with the credit union I bank with. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

laurakrummenacher said...

Is that my great uncle Donald?! So fun to realize who it is writing this blog that I've been following forever! You do a great job!