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Freebies for Birthdays

June is a busy month for us.  Well, more specifically, this week.  5 birthdays in 3 days, plus Father's Day.  Everyone in our home is celebrated this week.  

My family is different than most.  I have 2 sets of twins, born almost exactly 3 years apart.  No, we did not exactly plan for how any of this ended up, but it is quite comical how it did (comical and chaotic all wrapped into one).

Yesterday, Father's Day, my babies turned 1.  Today is a day of rest, then tomorrow is my birthday and the day after my older girls turn 4.  Boom, boom, boom.  I wonder if my body has some built in clock that says babies must be born the week of my birthday.  Cause really, my last set should not have been born so early, but they were coming whether we liked it or not.  

My children will always be my best birthday presents, but it is also fun to get freebies from restaurants and other companies around the valley.  Last year, Crystal posted on her blog a list of FREE things offered on birthdays.  Check out the link here.  Technically this week, my family could get 5 free dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts, 5 free Pizzookees, 5 free dinners at Joe's Farm Grill....well, just check out the list and see what free things you can get on your birthday when the time comes around.  And let us know if you have anything else to add to the list.  

These are my birthday presents.  We don't exactly do fancy at our house.  But at least they are all dressed and 2 out of the 4 are looking at the camera.  It looks more like reality this way.

1 comment:

Crissybug said...

Birthdays are awesome!! Hope you cash in for some of your freebies!