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Resonate Dance Studio in Mesa, AZ

Looking for a dance studio for adults or children in Mesa, AZ?  Check out Resonate Dance!  Great atmosphere, great philosophy.

Here's what Alisha from Resonate Dance has to say:
Resonate Dance is a family owned and operated dance studio. We provide quality dance instruction for all ages at very affordable rates. Modest dance costumes and clean dance movements are a priority to us. Our goal for each student is to instill confidence, skill and tap into what’s already in every dancer’s heart. We achieve this through hard work, love, instruction, and performance opportunities. In hopes to keep our family ‘cozy-like’ feel to our classes, space is limited. Contact us at resonatedance@gmail.com. Visit us online at www.rez-o-n8dance.blogspot.com. Current Classes include:

Ballet/jazz combo 6-10 yr olds

Hip Hop 8-13

Kids ballroom class 8-13

Ballroom instruction only Class-teens and adults

I Heart Mesa is excited to be at the Frasier Fields Swap.  In conjunction, we are featuring some of their fantastic sponsors.  You can learn more about Resonate Dance from their blog or by joining us at the swap!

Speaking of the swap.... there just might be a giveaway coming up for free tickets later today.  So come back this afternoon, all right?

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