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Shun the Sun Skin Cancer Run

Do you want to run a 5K with me?

My sister is a runner.  She ran a whole marathon.  But I'm not a runner.  I'm not even a huge exerciser.  I get a work out daily just keeping my children safe and happy.  Up, down, up, down, run around.  Seriously, I've contemplated getting one of those body bug things just to prove how many calories I burn keeping up with my daily tasks.  But, I admit, I should do a little more to get that heart of mine really pounding (yes, more than the pounding that occurs when I catch one of my younger twins trying to climb things).  

So, when I saw my cousin Nichelle post that she was going to run a 5K here in Mesa  Saturday, November 13th, my ears perked up.  It's called the Shun the Sun skin cancer run.  There will be a family fun run, 5K, 10K, and half marathon.  The course starts and ends at HoHokam Stadium.  I'll stick with the 5K for now thank you very much.    

Go here for more details and to sign up with me.  I'll be the one running, not to win or to make a glorious time, but just to get that heart a pounding.  Also as another perk, I hear this is a fun race to participate in.  Fun activities for the kids, great goody-bags, free massages.  

And I think I've conned Marily into running it with me too.  So get out and join team I Heart Mesa (no we really don't have a team, but it sounds cool doesn't it?)  Hopefully we will see you there.

Let the training begin. 



Jeni G said...

Yes! We're in! Me and Matt(the Man of the house)...

By Divine Design said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I have been looking for a run to do on Saturday. It seems like most of the runs are on Sundays. Thank you! (I found your blog from Lachelle)