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Free 3-Month Zoo Membership from Banner Hospitals

Image from here.

Our friend Bekah forwarded this message along she got from a friend. 

If you've delivered a baby at a Banner Hospital you can fill out Banner's form here to receive a free Kids' Health Guide and a
Free 3-Month Family Membership to the Phoenix Zoo
Click the link you find on the right side of this page. 

I registered today.  Our family should be able to get a few visits in while its warm enough to play in the water features then when we'll still have free membership for a couple of cooler months.


(Thanks, Bekah)


Bethany said...

Thanks for the info! I just registered too. That would beso fun if we could take our kids together. Do we use the confermation code, or do they send something in the mail? How does it work exactly?

Julie said...

thanks for this, it's awesome! but i have the same question as Bethany, how exactly does it work since i haven't seen an e-mail or anything...do the send something in the mail?

iheartmesa said...

Yes, yes, actually I have the same question myself. I emailed the gal who originally sent the message and am waiting to hear what she says. I DO know she has already gotten and used hers--but more than that I don't know how the membership will come! I'll get back to you... :)

Karen said...

So awesome! I reposted on Facebook. :)

iheartmesa said...

One more note: someone on Facebook says you have to be a NEW member to the zoo, i.e. never have had a membership before. Just FYI.

Velika said...

I did it. You will get the certificate by mail.

Becky said...

It comes in the mail-- just a piece of paper- you then take it to the membership desk @ the zoo. They fill out the paperwork and send you a pass in the mail and give you a temporary paper pass until it comes. Easy stuff! You do have to be a new member, depending on who helps you.

iheartmesa said...

Thanks for the updates gals!

Becky said...

Ok, I got my 'real' pass in the mail today- it also came with 2 free guest passes, in addition to the membership for my whole family! :) Yeah!! ♥ the zoo!!

Bethany said...

Thanks for the info girls. Can't wait for it to cool off around here, and head out to the zoo whenever I want!! (atleast for 3 months, anyways)

Micheline said...

Is it too late for this? I couldn't find the link on the right side of your page.

iheartmesa said...

It's not too late, click on the link in the post to take you to Banner, then click on the link on the right on Banner's site.

Bella Beginnings said...

This is such a great deal and I wanted in, but I called and found out that you had to have had your baby in the last year. If anyone has had any other luck with this let me know.