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Lloyd Zeffler Giveaway: Part 2

Blame it on allergies or on congested babies and one sick 3 year old (her twin is yet to catch it). Whatever it may be, I failed. When I posted the awesome Lloyd Zeffler giveaway I failed to recognize who actually looks at iheartmesa. Many of you have private blogs. Many of you have no blog at all. Do we discriminate? Nope.

Therefore, I am amending the rules for our giveaway. In order to have a chance to win you must either (not all, but either):

a) Post a link on your blog back to our giveaway post. In that post say one thing you love about Mesa. Then leave us a comment. Example: I love Mesa because the weather was fantastic today! Sat on my parents porch and rocked a baby while my older girls played in the sunshine.

b) Become a fan of I Heart Mesa on Facebook (Yeah, finally took the plunge. It's not fancy yet. Give it time.)

c) For those of you who don't blog and don't Facebook, just send us an e-mail at iheartmesa@gmail.com with a promise that you will tell at least one person in your life something that you love about Mesa. Let your conscience be your guide.

There. I think we have everyone covered. No excuses for not taking 2 seconds to have a chance at an awesome photo shoot. And yes, I have edited the previous post so that your link will have accurate information.

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