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Family Fun Van

Awesome van clipart from here.

I am not exactly sure why, but the phrase "family fun van" makes me laugh. However, I hear this is a really great thing to do. There is a van that visits a different Mesa park each day of the week (Monday through Thursday) from 10:00 - 11:30am. It offers free educational entertainment for parents and children ages 0-5. Go here to see the schedule, what parks it will be at on what days of the week and to read more about what it is. Sounds pretty cool, even if they don't have a van that looks similar to the one pictured above.


Kara said...

We go to this. Check my post out at http://bagleyrecipeforlove.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-heart-family-fun-van.html

Emily Ruth said...

I clicked to say I heard about this from Kara my first time--and low and behold, she's the first comment. I now really wanna check it out. Even though I laugh when I hear it.

Angie said...

Hi all. I am so glad to hear such nice comments about the Family Fun Van. My name is Maria, and thanks to Mesa United Way, I get to put this program together and make it happen everyday.
I hope everybody who reads this gets to experience it. We currently don't know what will happen after April, but in the meantime, we are enjoying it as much as we can. Thanks Kara!