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Recipes = Giveaway

It's your lucky day because you now have another opportunity to win something lovely.

Here's the story...
Our cousin is in the process of adopting another child from Russia. Her and her husband did this with their first child several years ago and to assist with the costs (you think maternity insurance is expensive...), they gathered recipes and compiled them into a cookbook to print and sell. They have started the adoption process again and have decided to produce a second cookbook.

Here's what you do...
E-mail us any and all of your favorite recipes. The sections will include:

Appetizers & Dips, Soups, Salads, Breads, Breakfasts & Beverages, Casseroles, Main Dishes, Grilling, Vegetarian, Vegetable Dishes, Crockpot Meals, Freezer Meals, and always last, but rarely least, Desserts.
Don't forget your name and city to be included with the recipe. If you prefer your information remain anonymous, please specify. Your name will be entered once for each recipe you submit.

Here's what you win...
A copy of the cookbook, of course! The cookbook is expected to be completed sometime mid-November and will probably be $20. The last cookbook was 216 pages, so it's nice and thick. Plus, you're doing a good deed by sharing your recipes with us. These are my favorite type of cookbooks because they are "real" recipes. They are practical and the ingredients can be easily found in your typical grocery store. Don't get me wrong. I love Martha Stewart, but I don't always have the time to gather 40 ingredients from five different stores for a meal that takes 3 hours to prepare.


Marily said...

What's the email address? Can't seem to find it...

iheartmesa said...

the e-mail address is:
