
Swimming, Community Garage Sale, Lemonade, and more.

I've got to hurry and clean off my desk with a quick, linking it up post and get back to my family's orange festival preparations.  Nieces and nephews will be gathering in a few short hours.  So without further ado, here are some random events/fun things you might consider adding to your calendar:

- Hubbard Family Swim School Family Movie Night:  Tonight, Friday, March 18th.  $4 per person or $15 per family, children under 3 are free.  Come enjoy watching Shark Tales while in the comfort of their climate controlled pool.  Pizza available for $1 per slice.  Movie starts at 7:00 PM.  Go here for the flyer.

- Sunland Village community garage sale.  Saturday, March 19th - 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM.  This is my sister Katie's favorite sale.  Main entrance on Diamond Ave., East of Greenfield Rd. between Broadway and Southern Aves.

- If you are in the area, check out this adorable lemonade stand on Saturday, between 10:00 AM and Noon.  Directions: Higley Rd. East on Warner South at Cooley Park. They will be at the main park and pool area South on Benjamin.  I wish I could lay claim to such a cute stand.

- Also, the rescheduled community day of play is here.  Saturday, March 19th from Noon to 4:00 PM at Pioneer Park.  Kids cost $6 for unlimited access to rides, carnival games, obstacle courses and a petting zoo.  Adults are free.  Go here to get a $1 off coupon.

- And finally, remember to check out these events that Marily posted about on Monday.  

There is plenty to do, plenty of sunshine.  Please enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Aww shucks! Glad to know sometimes Gilbert makes the cut ;)
