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50th Park Visit

We often don't toot our our horn and I know Marily doesn't always take credit for all that she does, so today I'm going to brag about her a little.  (Besides Marily didn't play the horn, she played the clarinet).

As you have seen Marily post a little on this blog before, she signed up with KaBOOM to visit 50 parks this summer.  Think about it.  50 is a big number to agree to and we don't exactly live in a location that is feasible for full on summer park visits, but she proved that it can work.  She would take her boys early in the morning and today visited her 50th park.  She did this all in Mesa, keeping her visits local.  Although it would have been a tad easier to accomplish in the winter, Marily took on this challenge to bring attention to this city that we both love so much.  She wanted to prove to others and herself as well that Mesa has so much to offer that so often we don't take advantage of.  Amazing.  

So today I woke up early to go support Marily in her 50th park visit.  The mayor was there, as was the Mesa Parks and Recreation director and several other city employees.  We had our little celebration (we know many of you were getting kiddos off to school at 8:00 this morning and couldn't join us) and it made me proud once again to have a friend like Marily.  Someone who is willing to do something that most would deem a crazy thing to do in this Arizona summer.  Someone who proves to all of us that if we aren't enjoying our city, the problem lies within our attitude.   

So get out and enjoy those parks.  Marily will probably do a little post on some of her favorite parks, so stay tuned.  Until then, here is a little picture to enjoy of Marily, her sister, and me, along with our kiddos with the Mayor and the Mesa Parks and Recreation director.  

(I guess I never realized the Mayor was so tall.)

Way to go Marily!  Woot Woot!

And way to go Mesa.  

Dear Mesa Parks, 

There really are a lot of you aren't there.  Tons, just dotted around our beloved city.  Some old school, some new.  Hopefully more people will come visit you now.  I'm sure you are happiest when you have little kiddos running and playing and laughing when they come to see you.  I know my kids like you a lot and now your are practically a member of Marily's family.  Thanks for existing.     


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