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National Doughnut Day is Today

Don't miss today's first giveaway from Cardigan Empire!  One more giveaway coming later today. 
But until then, it's National Doughnut Day....

We love it when you guys send us emails about things going on.  Please keep 'em coming.  It's always pleasant to open our email to see a post basically ready to go.  And since we're on the theme of giveaways this week, this giveaway from Krispy Kreme fits right in.  Plus, I'm starting to think that you guys like Krispy Kreme donuts.

Could there be a SWEETER DAY of the year? We don't think so!

As you may know, the first Friday in June is always recognized as National Doughnut Day.
And on Friday, June 4, Krispy Kreme will celebrate National Doughnut Day once again by giving away one FREE doughnut of any variety to you...our loyal customer.
So grab some friends and family members and get down to your nearest Krispy Kreme to celebrate National Doughnut Day with a doughnut on us! For a list of participating Krispy Kreme stores click here.  Offer valid on Friday, June 4 only. One per customer.

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