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Saturday Spotlight: RMMC

Saturday Spotlight gives you an idea for some last-minute fun on Saturday or any other day. We will spotlight a different place to visit in Mesa or its surrounding neigborhoods.

The Red Mountain Multigenerational Center is a city facility in East Mesa dedicated to health and fitness for all ages, children through seniors.  Stop in sometime and for a reasonable fee you have a gym membership for a day.  You can even go with a friend or special someone for a last-minute day or night out.  Pay for childcare there at the center and no need to arrange a babysitter ahead of time.

Facilities that are available for drop-in use include:

Indoor walking/running track

Rock climbing wall (see schedule)

Exercise equipment, including free weights, cardio machines, and a gymnasium

Group fitness classes

The basic daily fee for adults is $4, ages 5-15 and seniors are $3.  There are various passes or you can sign up for a monthly membership if you are interested.

Kids' Club for children ages 6 months to 7 years costs $2.50/hour for one child or $2.00/hour each child with two or more children

Go here for general information, or here for schedule and fee information.

All info and photo credit RMMC site.

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