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Saturday Spotlight: Park of the Canals

Maybe we'll make this a tradition.  But we're not committing to anything.

Saturday Spotlight gives you an idea for some last-minute fun on Saturday or any other day.  We will spotlight a different place to visit in Mesa or its surrounding neigborhoods.

Today the spotlight is on Park of the Canals.  Get a little history, nature, and fun in one unique place.  The Park is a free city park built around ancient Hohokam canal systems.  Take a very short trail around the park to see these amazing canals from about 300 B.C., walk through the desert botanical garden, enjoy a meal at a ramada, or play on the brand new play structures.

I've found this information from the Foundation for Mesa Parks and Recreation:

"The historic north Mesa Park of the Canals is once again a welcoming destination for community families as the result of the efforts of hundreds of big hearted volunteers. New playground equipment, additions to the Botanical Garden, new tables and benches, new paint abound and much more have revitalized the park. "

It is located in Mesa at 1710 N. Horne between Brown and McKellips and open sunrise to 10pm.


K said...
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K said...

wanna? what time? i'm there.