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Hello Again

Sometimes it is hit and miss with my postings. That is just what's going to happen when you have a mom of twins who is growing twins again (Oh - it's another set of fabulous girls. 4 girls in barely 3 years is going to be a treat.). And sometimes my family just has to take some time out to enjoy the beauties of Mesa that I'm always writing about (or to enjoy a nap). Today we enjoyed some time at the Salt River with visiting family members. I wonder why I don't always take advantage of all the wonderful things that are so close to home. Seriously, a river, just minutes away. Sitting there listening to the rushing water and watching the kids play was beautiful. Why don't we go more often?

I hope that through this blog you come to enjoy Mesa a little more. You may not get a post everyday, but my goal with this blog is to get people to take advantage of their surroundings - to have a little more Mesa pride. You live here, so you might as well let yourself enjoy it.

Image from here, because this nature scene tops any that I took today.

If you would like to enjoy some time on the Salt River make sure you stop by a gas station on your way out to the river to buy a Tonto Pass. The cost is $6 for the day. The Tonto Pass replaces the pay stations at the parks on the Salt River. Today I got the pass at the Chevron on Ellsworth and Brown.

How do you get to the Salt River? Go north on Power or Ellsworth. When you get about 5 miles out of town, you'll start seeing faded brown signs with names like Coons Bluff or Phon De Sutton etc. Turn onto the paved road, park in the parking lot and enjoy some time on the Salt River. It's really just minutes away.

1 comment:

Patrice said...

I think I'll do it. I'm always looking for inexpensive ways to entertain and teach.