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Cranberry Pie

As I mentioned before, we will be posting a few Thanksgiving ideas this week. The recipe below comes from my aunt Debbie and has been a family favorite for Thanksgiving time (as well as any other time of the year we have an excuse to make it.) It's perfect for Arizona because it's frozen. Who doesn't like a frozen treat on a 75* Thanksgiving? And nope, there aren't any pictures. We eat it too fast to take a picture.

Cranberry Pie

1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/3 c. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. vanilla
8 oz. cream cheese
1 can whole cranberry sauce

Mix milk, juice, vanilla, cream cheese in blender. Then add cranberry sauce and mix more. Pour into graham cracker crust. Freeze. Makes two 9" pies. Can also be poured into 9x13 pan to be cut into squares. Enjoy!