
Utah Summer Fruit from the AZ Fruit Lady

We already have an update for our food section of our Summer Guide.  We just received this e-mail from the fruit lady.  No, we are NOT the fruit lady.  We just like to pass on her fruit information because we know many of you have asked in the past.  
(Utah Cherry Tree)
Utah Fruit for the Summer of 2012

"I will have cherries. This year they didn’t freeze! Utah had a mild winter, so everything will be on schedule. I am sending out this email early, so you can plan vacations around the fruit, if you would like. 

CHERRIES:  I will have sweet Bing cherries on Tuesday, July 3rd, the day before Independence Day.  A 20 pound box is $28.00 

APRICOTS:  I will have tree ripened apricots on Tuesday, July 10th. If they need a few more days on the trees, it will be Friday, July 13th. I CAN ORDER CHERRIES FOR THIS DATE AS WELL.  A 24 pound box is $26.00.  Prices reflect a 1.00 increase, because of the cost of fuel. 

I will have peaches, tomatoes, blackberries, and raspberries, beginning the end of August.  I will keep you posted!  Nectarines, plums, and pears will follow.  Next I will have apples and tomatoes, the end of October.  Details will come before ordering.  Please check your calendar, to ensure you will be in town, or make arrangements with someone to pick them up for you. 

Cherries and apricots must be pre-ordered.  I only bring in what you order.  

To order please email at: azfruitlady@yahoo.com or call 480 844-9953. Be sure to include your name and phone number. All fruit is sold at the fruit stand, on the corner of Val Vista and Brown Road, in Mesa.

I will be collecting clothes again this year.  Last fruit season, the clothes were distributed, and so appreciated.  If you are cleaning your closets this summer, any donated shoes or clothing (any size) would be graciously accepted.  Please bring them to the fruit stand when you pick up your fruit, or drop them by our doorstep any time. You bless the lives of so many with your donations. Helen Keller "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."  

Thank You! 
Barbie and Bobby Van Cott"

So there you have it.  I can attest that this fruit is amazing and with every order I think a box will be too much but then it's gone before I know it.  (Also, for those wondering if this is certified organic, it is not.  It is delicious though.)  

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