
Christmas Idea House and Downtown Tree Lighting

It's 11:00 on a Friday night and I realized we never got our post up about the Christmas Idea House presented by the Desert Club!  The Desert Club is a wonderful organization that works to provide assistance to women and children and also offers scholarships to high school seniors.  In fact, back in the day, Marily's husband was a recipient of one such scholarship.

The Christmas Idea House is the primary fundraiser for the Desert Club.  Each year a luxury home is transformed into a winter wonderland - filled with beautiful and unique items for sale.  Prices range from $2 to the hundreds.  The Idea House will be open to the public tomorrow, Saturday, December 3rd, from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.  Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the entry. For a $2 off coupon, go here.   

{pictures provided by the Desert Club}

This year the home is located in The Pecans of Queen Creek, located on the south side of Chandler Heights Boulevard, just west of Ellsworth Road. Follow signs to entrance and to the event.

Also, as mentioned in our weekly event post, there will be a holiday tree in downtown Mesa - after many years of little to no decorations downtown.  The event is from 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM with the tree lighting at 5:00 PM at Main and Macdonald.  There will also be live music, arts and crafts, light tours, you can check out the recycled wreaths, ect.

(And my girls were a little bummed they didn't win the wreath contest, but it sure inspired us to create more art from what seems to just be trash.)

This wreath was made by my 5 year old using old magazines, cardboard and crushed up styrofoam as snow.  The little "jewel" on the side that looks like a bird's nest is tin foil.  I love her use of gold paint.

This wreath is from my other 5 year old.  The frame is made from an old pool noodle which she covered in paper mache, then covered with cut up milk cartons and more "snow."  (My girls really liked making the snow, but the snow is still all over my backyard.)  She calls this her nest.

This is mine with milk carton, plastic bag and toilet paper roll flowers.  I also used a pool noodle as the base and covered it with an old book.  I used an old skirt for the material, a Thanksgiving pie tin as a star, a cracker box for the fan flower, old wire for another star and my favorite was the stripes made from pencil shavings (or maybe it was using my blow torch to heat up the material and plastics).

We may not have won, but we did have fun creating!  What could you make from trash?

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