
It's Our Birthday So We are Giving You a Present

Did you know that in September I Heart Mesa turned 3?  We can't believe it either.  It's almost like I Heart Mesa should be my 5th child (this is Kathryn's opinion).  We are happy to say that after 3 years, the work is still worth it.  We enjoy seeing others get excited about events that we post or do a little fist pump for this wonderful valley we live in (it's all in the attitude).  We love it.  Our readership is growing and we feel like we are reaching our goal to help establish a better sense of community here in Mesa and the East Valley.  

We haven't done any formal celebrations for our birthday, we got a little wrapped up in parades and floats.  Which, by the way, if you missed, you missed the best parade in town.  Short, sweet, and to the point :)  Seriously, there haven't been any other parades in Mesa with that many floats and that much candy in years and won't be for some time.  Unless we try to bring back the Mesa Day Parade one of these years.  Who's with us....    

Anyways....since this blog is all about our community anyways, we wanted to celebrate our birthday the same way that we started this blog: with a $50 cash giveaway (well, when we started it was only $25, but now we are going for the big bucks :)  

We will ask one simple thing:  Send us some pictures of how you spent the money (here in Arizona).  Did you go visit a new museum or try out a new restaurant?  Did you blow it all at your favorite thrift store's 1/2 off day?  Did you try out a new day trip?  We want to see the Arizona fun YOU had with your $50.  You don't have to be a writer, you don't have to be a blogger.  You just have to be someone who knows how to have a good time with $50.  So that means anyone can enter (except Marily and I and our husbands).  You DON'T have to live in Mesa.    

Here is how to have a chance at the $50.  There are 2 possible ways to enter:
(All entries must be received by Thursday, October 6th at midnight.  Winner will be announced on Friday!)

- Leave a comment here, on Facebook or through e-mail (tell us what you might do with the $, leave us nice warm fuzzy comment, or send us an event idea...basically just some written communication here.)

- Blog about us, Facebook it and share our page with your local friends, tweet (or all of the above).  Tell the world about us.  Share the Heart.  There's no reason why every home in the East Valley shouldn't know about us.  Just let us know you did either by commenting here or on FB or sending us an e-mail.  We can usually track any Twitter mentions.   


And if this giveaway goes well, we just might start doing these more regularly.  Maybe we'll have to call it the "I Heart Mesa Scholarship."   

With lots of love and appreciation for sticking with us through the years,
Kathryn and Marily


  1. i would most definitely use the money at a local thrift store! we have so many good ones! thanks for all you guys do!

  2. Hard to choose what to do: something fun with my boys, or a date night for our 10th wedding anniversary. :-)

  3. Thrift store love all the way! You can do a LOT of damage on 50% off day with $50!

    Also, maybe the Children's Museum of Phoenix. Our pass expired and I've been too cheap to pay pull price and take my kids :)

    Freckles in April

  4. Date night for sure! Probably Blue Adobe Grille or D-vine here in Mesa!

    Thanks, ladies!

  5. I'd totally use it to go to the Phoenix Zoo (or maybe Wildlife World Zoo). The Phoenix Zoo just got in some baby komodo dragons and I'd love to go see them!

  6. Aw, you know I love you guys! Thanks for everything you do. Mesa is getting better and better, and I'm glad to be here. <3

    As for what I might do with my winnings? I think I might put it toward my order that I've wanted to have done at Matage framing for, like, FOREVER. I've got three big pieces that I want up on my dining room wall, and Rob does a great job!

  7. Family date night. Mango's for dinner, a stop by the sweet shop for some treats, then on to the drive-ins!!

  8. I think spending money in our beloved Mesa is a good way to show our love for this city where our family is growing up. I would spend $50 going to the Arizona Natural History Museum, one of my kids' favorite places! Nothing beats a good, quality museum right in our backyard :)

  9. love this blog! We check it every week for ideas on what we can with our family! You guys are doing a great job and it is much appreciated! My husband and I are planning an anniversary trip in November to explore the indians ruins up north. A little extra would definitely come in handy, maybe we could even pull an overnight trip ;) Thanks for all you guys do!

  10. Sent you guys some facebook & twitter love (aside from already telling my family & friends about this blog)! Thanks again for being awesome! We can't wait to go to the fish hatchery & river, my kids got so excited from the pictures! :)

  11. I always love a chance to win something! Spending money in Mesa is what I do best!

  12. I would probably use it at some local boutique.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Awesome! I would love to take the kids to the zoo, we have never been to the one here.

  15. I found this blog a couple months ago, and I've loved getting the local updates. I heart I Heart Mesa, even though I don't technically live in Mesa anymore (I did for 15 years though- long enough to make me an honorary native ;-D). I still spend plenty of time in Mesa and probably lots of money too.

    Anyway, what to do w/my winnings? First, I'm gonna get one of those super cool T shirts you're wearing in the photo (if they're available)! Then I might revisit The Grill On Main- yum! If there's anything remaining, 50% off day- oh yeah! :-)

  16. You guys are great!! I would take my kids to a pumpkin patch!! Like Mother Nature's Farm in Mesa. Then if theirs left over go on a little date with the hubs!! Thanks for all you do!!!

  17. I would love to have a date night with my husband! How about I let you choose where we go and I will document the experience for you?? You pick the restaurant and activity- I will take photos and write a review!!! :)

    Thanks for all you ladies do! I am spreading the word on Facebook!

  18. I would use it to take my kids to the SeaLife Aquarium. We've wanted to go for a long time, but it's just too expensive! If there was anything left over, we'd use the rest for books at Bookman's. We love that place! :)

  19. Me? I'd auction it up! Mesa Auction as always been my favorite, but I'm stalking the new Auction Empire on Tuesday . . .

  20. With the $50, I would take a day trip to Jerome and eat at the Haunted Hamburger. I love what you guys do and I hope you keep it up. My friends always ask how I hear about the fun stuff going on and I credit you guys!

  21. I would use it to take the kids to the pumpkin patch and get our pumpkins this year.. Thank you guys for all the great info I check all the time for happenings around Mesa.

  22. Love your blog. I have lived here for 11 years and you have given me tons of ideas recently I've never heard of. Thanks.

  23. my top 3 things i would do:
    1-afford to pay a babysitter AND do something that costs money with my hubby. anything!
    2-visit the pumpkin patch this year instead of pumpkins at walmart.
    3-quiet my children's begging to pleeease visit the zoo.

    p.s. your blog helps us see things out of our little 5 mile radius, so thank you!

  24. Yea for giveaways! I would have to wait until the fall guide comes out to decide what to spend my money on :) Since it's always cheap or free things, I could do A LOT of them!!!

  25. Oh, how I'd love extra money to help with entertaining my 5 kids next week over Fall Break! I'm thinking pumpkin patch or Phoenix children's museum, or even just a fun lunch out to help pass a long day. And if there is any left, or even if there's not, I'm buying a couple "Someone in Mesa Loves Me" shirts for my brother and his wife in NYC for Christmas this year!

    I LOVE this blog!

  26. I think my son and i would goto 1st friday or saterday and eat at a local place mangos maybe- or just buy from venders and buy something for a total stranger at the event.

    Or spend it all at the local thrift shop on dollor day :) either one we would be blessed to spend it in mesa (our hometown)

  27. Love your blog! And, I would spend the $50 on a date with my hubby :-)

  28. I have a few fun ideas of how I'd spend the money... I'd like to take my girls to the Broadway Palms theator to see the Pinkalicious Musical... but that doesn't come out until next year... so my other idea is to use the money to go to the farm and get PuMpKiNs! I love taking them to the pumpkin patch and also letting them see all the animals. I have only been to the Mother Nature's Farm, but I'd like to check out the Superstition Farm this year.

    You guys are too much fun. Thanks for all the fun events and ideas you share.

  29. My daughter just made her Christmas list and one thing she asked for is "more time with mom and dad." I would love to tell my kids we have $50 to spend on anything they want to do in Mesa and then, as a family, research what there is to do and make a decision. It teaches budgeting, and even better, I'm sure my kids will come up with many activities that will outlast the $50. :)

  30. I've posted about you on Facebook several times and told lots of people about you because what you do is so awesome. However, I posted on Facebook again, just in case anyone missed it the first time.

  31. Well, I think I need this $50, people. You see, I have a very sad story. Once, many years ago, I lived in Mesa. It was dreamlike with its orange groves, cactus-filled horizons, merry people and overall goodness.

    Then, horror upon horrors, I had to move away. I left with tears in my eyes and a hole in my heart. A hole, that to this day remains unfilled. Try as I may to enjoy my new surroundings, nothing compares to living in Mesa, Arizona.

    And yet, my husband's job keeps us here. So let me tell you what I would do with $50. I will begin my "Get the Badgetts Back to Mesa" savings fund. $50 will likely not be enough to get us there...but it will certainly be a good start.

    And how will this benefit you, you may ask? Well, the answer is obvious! I will move next door to one Kathryn Melzer and the benefits will be endless! Neighbors, Kathryn, neighbors! You need this as much as I do!

    Ok, think it over.

  32. Happy Birthday ladies!! With $50 I would go to my favorite Friday night date to the Mesa Auction! That place is so exciting to me! Some of the furniture in my home that we just fixed up in Mesa is from The Mesa Auction. I love the energy that is there every Friday night. My husband probably thinks I'm weird but I think the auctioneer is amazing! He has some serious talent to talk so fast! Also The Mesa Auction is family owned and operated! How cool is that?! Yes I would blow all $50 at The wonderful Mesa Auction!

  33. I shared this on Facebook and my blog! Thanks!

  34. I would take my little family to the Phoenix Zoo! My husband grew up here and has never been and my daughter is crazy about animals!!!

  35. I think it is great what you are doing helping people find new things to do around here!! I LOVE IT!! With the $50, I would ask my kids what they would love to do, with 5 kids and one on the way, money is always tight and telling the kids we can't go somewhere because of it. We hardly ever go out as a family and I think it is time for us to do something FUN!!! :)

  36. I also facebook it for you and I put it on my blog!! :)

  37. My husband works so hard to provide for our little family and doesn't get much time off to play with us. I would definitely surprise him with a big night out on the town! And that will most likely involve a big steak or ribs... :)

    I will pass this along on FB and blog about it.

    Thanks, you guys are awesome!

  38. would LOVE to win the 50$!!
    first, since i LOVE az winters/fall, i would use the money to take my daughter to one of the local farms for the kids activities!!!! Then i would take my husband out to dinner at my favorite mesa restaurants. Then if i had a little money left over i would totally go thrift shopping! i love everything about thrifting in Mesa!! love it!!

  39. i shared your page on facebook!!!

  40. I also posted it on facebook telling everyone about ya'all

  41. First of all- Happy Birthday! I love this blog and am always checking it out for fun and cheap things to do for a day of family fun or date night out with my honey. We just moved here recently and we're still learning what the area has to offer. We're fresh out of college with 2.5 kids (due in March) and the student loans are keeping the funds pretty tights. So THANK YOU for all of the fun, cheap options and ideas you share. You have provided many cherished memories already.

    If I won the money we'd take our little girls to the pumpkin patch and enjoy all of the fall festivities that it has to offer. Or, maybe we'd use it for gas money to drive up North and enjoy the fall leaves and cooler weather. It would be fabulous to be able to just drive out of town, even for a day. OOooh- keeping my fingers crossed! :)

  42. P.S. Shared your page on facebook, tweeted, and e-mailed. :) Here's to hoping...

  43. I just shared your page on my Facebook wall. If I won the $50, I would turn around and spend it locally... going to a local farmers market or a locally owned restaurant. Lets keep our money local!!!! =)

  44. wow. 3 years. can you believe it? simply stated--this blog rocks. because of you fabulous ladies, my family has enjoyed countless activities i would probably not have realized were here in my own hometown. (i'm kinda sheepish about that, but i'll sing your praises).
    i heart all things mesa.
    honestly? i'm thinking this mama has gone too long without a haircut. and a matinee movie? 50 bucks should do the trick : )

  45. and is it too late for a facebook & blog post to count for an entry?

  46. Can't be too late Emily. I saw your Facebook post and found a fantastic new blog to follow - Thanks!!

    $50 would buy some yummy healthy treats - like granola, apples, dates, you get the idea - to keep our rowdy crew of 7 young'ns happy and content as we travel Arizona in our mini bus. I've learned that a full tummy makes for a happy traveler. :)

    Where might we go? Superstition Farm, The Phoenix Zoo, Boyce Thompson Arboretum, State Parks, National Parks, winter camping and to visit family Northern AZ. Just about anywhere, really!
