
Cooler Morning Air and a Few Links

On this Monday morning, here are a few quick links to check out.  And what?  Is that cooler air I feel out there this morning?

- Tomorrow, September 13th, Marily and I will be going to the Diving Lady fundraising dinner.  Are you?  We'll be enjoying Waldos with the lady herself.  More information and ways to purchase tickets found here.

- Sign up for a Mud Run.  What is a Mud Run?  What is sounds like.  Run 3 miles through and over and under obstacles all with the added bonus of mud.  I've heard from runners of last months Mud Run that it is awesome!  But, don't waste anytime.  This run is September 17th in Claysprings, Arizona.  Claysprings is located between the turn off from Heber and Snowflake.  (My dad taught school there for a few years back in the day.)  For more Mud Run info, go here.

- Speaking of special runs.  How about checking out the Great Arizona Grape Stomp in beautiful Arizona wine country.  Go here for more information.

- Name Mesa's next great community.  Talk about a claim to fame.  Find out how here.

We are still working on our Fall Guide and would love any ideas and or sponsors.  Please contact us at iheartmesa@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. Kathryn, I thought you'd love this:

