
The Queen Creek Olive Mill and Schnepf Farms

Today's post comes from my sister-in-law (our graphic designer) Angela Hardison.  Angela makes everything look more beautiful so I'm borrowing her pictures to give you a visual tour of the Queen Creek Olive Mill and Schnepf Farms.  Maybe it will inspire you to take your own real life tour sometime soon.

You can read Angela's original blog posts here and here.

We've written about events at the olive mill before so Angela and my other sister-in-law Anna decided it was time to check it out for themselves.  They both commented on the yummy food and the quaint atmosphere of the mill.  Anna is excited to try the local vanilla infused olive oil in her next batch of cookies.  In fact, the Queen Creek Olive Mill sells a variety of infused olive oils that they use in all of their baked goods- all locally grown and pressed.  You can read all about it and how to make your baked goods healthier here.  Angela and Anna both look forward to going back to the mill to enjoy a nice meal with their spouses.

In talking with my sister-in-laws about their experience at the mill, I learned that one shouldn't expect to basically walk into Italy while at the mill and that taking the $5 paid tour might not be worth it during the off season, especially with young kids (pressing I believe happens in the fall), but it was fun for a quick visit, something different and unique to do.  That is why Angela suggests pairing a quick trip to the olive mill with Schnepf Farms, both located in Queen Creek.  You'll get more bang for your gas buck.  

Now, enjoy these beautiful pictures and you just might start planning your next trip out to Queen Creek.    

 Schnepf Farms:  In Angela's Schnepf Farm visit they were able to explore and pick their own spinach, romaine, kale, beets, radishes, broccoli, and turnips.

Doesn't it make you want to get out and explore a part of the valley you maybe have never been to?  I know I'm excited to make a trip out there to buy the infused olive oils.

- Kathryn

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