
Benefit Concert and Bone Marrow Donation Drive

Staci sent along some info for an event to help a family in need.  Heather Kuzdas Sutton was diagnosed with MDS, a cancer that attacks the bone marrow.  Faced with incredible health challenges, daunting financial obligations, and the search for a donor to save her life, Heather's family and friends are doing all they can to make sure the Sutton family gets the help they need.  Click here to read the Sutton's touching story.   

There are two events for Heather Sutton and her family:

A Gift of Love Benefit Concert
Saturday Feb 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Highland High School auditorium.  Tickets are $10 and are available through Maureen Kuzdas (480-236-0961) or Tina Linford(480-924-6310) or at Deseret Bookstores ($1 handling fee per ticket) or online at http://giftoflove.eventbrite.com 
($1.45 surcharge per ticket- prints out on your own computer)  
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Drive
Saturday, March 5th from 10am till 4p.m. at the LDS church building at 1214 S. 48th St.  All it takes to register on the National Bone Marrow Registry is to fill out paperwork and have your mouth swabbed.  Once you are in the system you will be notified if you are a match to someone who needs a bone marrow donation.  Bone marrow donations often aren't as difficult as they use to be. Many times, only a blood donation is needed, and sometimes a simple surgical procedure is done.  For more information on what it takes to become a bone marrow donor, go here.  
Thanks to Staci for the info, and best wishes to the Sutton Family. 
If you have an event you'd like to share, send the information to iheartmesa @ gmail.com

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