
Local Charity Opportunities in Mesa

Now is the time of year when many of us become more aware of the needs around us.  We've put together a short list to help you get started if you are looking for an opportunity to give. 

One item to be aware of is the Arizona Working Poor tax credit.  This credit allows you to receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit if you itemize your deductions on your Arizona state income tax return. You can receive a tax credit of up to $400 when filing a joint tax return, or up to $200 when filing a single tax return. This is separate and not affected by the educational tax credit. Go here for more information, including a complete list of qualifying charities. 

A Better Community
A Better Community (ABC) provides emergency food boxes, home delivered meals for seniors, shelter services to families and children, support services for the physically and developmentally challenged and many other basic needs and services.  Money is also donated to various other local charities through ABC.  Donations can be made automatically with your monthly City of Mesa utility bill or can be donated in a lump sum.  Click here for more information.

Paz de Cristo
Paz de Cristo's mission is to feed the hungry every day of the year.  They do this through their nightly meal service and by donating food boxes to the needy twice a  month.  You can donate to their cause here.

Save the Family
Save the Family works to help homeless families become self-sufficient by providing temporary housing, education, and other assistance.  You can help by giving these donation items or making a cash contribution.

St. Vincent de Paul
Help by donating items to their thrift stores, volunteering, or by donating cash here.  You can also feed a family of four by donating $5 to St. Vincent de Paul by texting "HOPE" to 52000.
The three charities above are among the list for the Working Poor tax credit. 

In addition, most grocery stores and many other stores around town have collection boxes to drop off donations of food, toys, or other items.  Bookman's, for instance, is collecting toys at their stores.

Leave a comment here if you know of another charity opportunity around town.

And of course, Happy Holidays from I Heart Mesa!

Photo above from St. Vincent de Paul.

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